Global Money Week 2023 – Are you ready to celebrate?


So, what is ‘Global Money Week’ (GMW) and how are MABS involved? This blog will give you all the information you need to know about MABS involvement with Global Money Week. As well as the benefits that it can bring to our young people.


Let’s start from the beginning…


GMW is international initiative launched by the OECD and endorsed by the United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies. Since the campaign was first launched in 2012, over 176 countries have taken part in ‘Global Money Week’.  Global Money Week has seen the delivery of targeted financial education sessions and workshops to over 53 million young people worldwide. The objective of this global campaign is to draw attention to the fundamental role of money management education for young people. As well as to support the lifelong development of positive personal financial behaviours and decision-making skills. 


When is Global Money Week (GMW)?

Global Money Week takes place every year during March. This year Global Money Week 2023 will be from the 20-26 March. The week is a celebration of financial education events for young people aiming to raise awareness about money and personal finances. MABS has been involved with Global Money Week since 2019.  Our Global Money Week money management education workshops in secondary schools are designed to improve financial literacy. Keeping them interesting, relevant and fun ways that engage young people!


What did we achieve last year?

In 2022, MABS Staff from 24 MABS services visited 44 secondary schools, 1 primary school, 1 Youthreach and 1 National Learning Network centre.  Financial training workshops were delivered to 2,470 students. These workshops covered topics such as ‘prioritising spending’, ‘budgeting’, ‘savings’, ‘protecting our money’, and ‘borrowing’.  

Last year, over 1400 students that engaged with our GMW Workshops completed a survey. This survey looked at the various attitudes and behaviours of young persons living in Ireland concerning money and personal finance. Questions asked of the students, include where they learn about money; access to personal bank accounts and how often they save.  Some key findings of the survey include the following: 

  • 40% of young people living in Ireland are learning about money via social media outlets. 
  • 61% are using a mobile phone/app to keep track of their money – and this is the most popular tool for tracking finances. 
  • Over 80% of young people report that they are shopping online. 
  • The vast majority (96%) of young people who took part in the survey report that they feel it is important to talk about money. 
  • Our aim is to continue to repeat this data collection on an annual basis as part of our continual work supporting the GMW initiative. You can read more on the findings and recommendations from the 2022 Research Report.

 2022 Research Report (PDF)


What is the theme of GMW 2023?

The theme for Global Money Week 2023 is ‘Plan your money, Plant your future’. This allows a focus on how young people can now start to plan for their own future. While at the same time consider the environment, local communities and society.  MABS Global Money Week workshops have always, and will continue to stress the importance of responsible spending.  Protecting the environment, reduce, reuse and recycle, being conscious of fast fashion, reducing food waste and energy saving behaviours are all promoted in the workshop.  

Along with the core lesson plan for Global Money Week 2023, MABS will offer schools further optional topics. One of these topics is sustainable spending. This will tie in nicely with the 2023 GMW theme of ‘Plan your money, Plant your Future’. Other options will include Credit Rating, Investing for the Future, and Money Muling, amongst other topics.  


Contact Us

For further information on Global Money Week, or if you wish for your school or learning centre to take part in Global Money Week, please visit our Global Money Week page or call us on 0818 07 2000 Monday to Friday, email us at or contact your local office.  

Don’t forget to follow us too at @MABSinfo – Facebook, Instagram., or Twitter. 

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure this information is current and correct. The details of each case can be unique. As a result, the outcome can be different to what has been described in this blog.

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